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GIS Services
Client: Municipality of Ras Maska

Main Tasks of the projects include:

1.   Acquiring Satellite Imagery (50cm resolution, June2016)                               

2.       Data Conversion to GIS format & Overlay overSatellite                  

3.       Survey of visible ground features and noting theirattributes                       

4.       Database Tables formatting & editing for transforminginformation

5.       Building Numbering and Street Addressing System

6.       Financial Data conversion from old to the new system plusediting

7.       Touristic Map that shows the location and image of differentpoints of interests within the Municipalityarea      

8.       Identifying the location and contact no of residents from belowSurvey

9.       Website design and development tohost the GIS data

10.   Survey Sheet design and Final Results analysis                                   

11.   Questionnaires Forms (charged per completedsheet)                                    

12.   Online GIS System, whichincludes:                                                                                         

a.       Property Map (parcel Information)

b.       General Map (different layers for utilities, streets,footprints, billboards etc

c.       Private Map (financial information layer that requires user ID /password)

d.       Training for the online system for viewing and minor editing

e.       One year free maintenance -$1,300 to be charged for eachsubsequent year